Our Story
October 2013
Miriam González Durántez worked with the Education and Employers charity to launch a national campaign in the UK called Inspiring Women to connect British girls with female role models living in the UK. The campaign is a real success and 24,000 British volunteers signed up.
October 2016
Miriam González Durántez launched Inspiring Girls International, working with partner organisations all around the world to implement the simple model and inspire girls to achieve their ambitions. The first country to sign up is Serbia, followed closely by Spain and many more!
December 2022
In the last year Inspiring Girls teams held 915 events, recruited 701 schools, reached 18,400 girls and registered 3,885 role models! We welcomed 2 new global teams in the UK and Slovakia which means we began 2023 with Inspiring Girls being active in 28 countries around the world!